We have a bunch of Super Smart SuperKids in Mrs. Browning's kindergarten!! These students scored a 93% or higher on their Benchmark Quest.
12 months ago, Brenda Browning
Please see the attached link to hear about the great things happening at the 7-12 grade level! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHoc8-E4iq28MAKl7gy7QaJ18QFBJQMk/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110491761792502576799&rtpof=true&sd=true
12 months ago, Trevor Clark
Reading Month begins March 1 and we can't wait to share the One School, One Book with the K-6 students! Be on the look out for sneak peaks up until our kick off celebration!
12 months ago, Mrs. Evans
one school, one book
It is that time already!!!
12 months ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
kindergarten round up
K-6 teachers learning about differentiated instruction by Carrie Carr from the EUPISD on Monday, Feb. 19.
12 months ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
teachers working during PD
teachers working PD
Opportunity coming.
12 months ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Winter story telling flyer
District letter to parents and the community. Please click here for letter. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SICzaEC9lO7be-M9G8vAxX0UTcEhgbxT/view?usp=sharing
12 months ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off https://www.smore.com/n4m98
12 months ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Sunday Send Off image
12 months ago, Mrs. Evans
yearbook flier
Indoor and outdoor building fun with kindergarten cuties!!
12 months ago, Brenda Browning
Click the link to see about a day of family fun FREE for the first 250 kids on Feb 17 in Curtis!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RW2-NL9vOeN2jtEYmwZ5PMeiCXK_Lf_ke_6HrMqS_9A/edit?usp=sharing
12 months ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Click the link to see about a day of family fun FREE for the first 250 kids on Feb 17 in Curtis!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RW2-NL9vOeN2jtEYmwZ5PMeiCXK_Lf_ke_6HrMqS_9A/edit?usp=sharing
12 months ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Winter recess fun! ❄️
12 months ago, Mrs. Evans
snowman fun
Valentine fun in kindergarten... it's not as easy as you think to stack conversation hearts. By the end of the 8th round, we had a winner!! Emma managed to stack 9 of her 10. We also enjoyed sweet messages and treats.
12 months ago, Brenda Browning
Valentine's Day shenanigans in 5th and 6th grade❣️ Thank you to the amazing kitchen staff for helping make the day exceptional❣️
12 months ago, Mrs. Evans
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day
Valentines and goodies galore in first grade today.
12 months ago, Donna Vincent
Valentines and goodies
Valentines and goodies
Valentines and goodies
This is a reminder that school will be closed on Friday, February 16, 2024. This is for the fire alarm system to be replaced. Please also remember that their is no school on Monday, February 19 as this is a professional development day for teachers.
12 months ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Mrs. Vincent's first grade had many activities celebrating the hundredth day of school.
12 months ago, Donna Vincent
building with 100 cups
counting 100 apple jacks
building with 100 cups
dressing up like we were 100 years old
Mrs. Vincent's first grade had many activities celebrating the hundredth day of school.
12 months ago, Donna Vincent
building with 100 cups
counting 100 apple jacks
building with 100 cups
dressing up like we were 100 years old
100th Day of School! 👵🏻👴🏻
12 months ago, Alesha Havens