Grades 9-12 have an opportunity to see a presentation from a Holocaust survivor. Parents of students in grades 9-12 should have received a message with more information. If you have not please, contact the school. Sack lunch offered will be sub, chips, apple and milk or students can bring their own.
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Big Brothers Big Sisters is coming to our school! Click the link below for more information as well as an online registration form.
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
If you need to contact the school to change the dismissal plan for your student, please be sure to make that contact prior to 2:00pm. Any notification later than that makes it difficult to ensure all parties involved receive the message. Safety is our first priority!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
TAS homecoming is the week of September 12 - 17. Queen's assembly will be Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 9:00 a.m. in the auditorium. We are waiting to hear confirmation about the game day and time due to a shortage of referees. We will get that updated information to you as soon as possible. The parade will also be announced when game details are confirmed.
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Please click here for this week's Sunday Sund Off
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
It is always great seeing and hearing the students singing the school fight song.
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
More assembly pics.
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
students playing musical chairs
students playing musical chairs
End of first week assembly, cheer for athletes and pepping up football team for The Axe game on Friday. Go Indians!!!!
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
classes playing a game
classes playing a game
These kiddos are working hard in sixth grade! The first week we had a visit to the library to select some amazing books for independent reading. We also read “Miss Rumphius” and learned we need to do good deeds and make the world a more beautiful place. We illustrated quotes to help make the school more beautiful, so be on the lookout for our work in the building!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
children reading
children coloring
children coloring
children reading
The sixth grade gathered together for their first “Why Try” lesson. We learned positive ways to handle the stress of life. We also discussed how to gain opportunity, freedom, and self-respect by always doing our best and trying.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
student participation
students sitting at the rug
students raising hands to participate
Newberry Sports for the Week Friday, Sept 2 JV Football 4:30 @ Munising V Football 7:00 @ Munising #GoIndians
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Here is the link to the Sunday Send Off.
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Sunday Send Off image
One day to go, tomorrow is it! Tomorrow is the day! Our countdown is through, tomorrow we get to see YOU!!!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
TAS Welcome Video Revised (had some technical issues)
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Two more days, our excitement is off the charts! Seeing you will fill our HEARTS!!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Welcome Back TAS Video
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
3...3...3 more days....the floors are shiny, the lockers clean, we are ready to see your faces BEAM!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
School starts in FOUR days!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
FIVE days left! I can already smell the new crayons!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Six, Six, Six, Six, Six, SIX!!!!! Six more days!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen