K-6 families: Please be sure to return all group referrals to Mrs. Derusha by Friday, September 24. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Derusha at 906-293-3226, ext. 1234. Thank you!
TAS Homecoming: September 27th - October 1st
Tonight's JV and Varsity Volleyball games are canceled. NO VOLLEYBALL TONIGHT 9/21/21
Picture day will be Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2021. All students will have picture taken for school records. Packages and pricing will be sent after pictures are taken.
Picture Day has been moved to Friday, Oct. 15. This is due to testing and students out on quarantine. Thank you for your understanding.
Click here for this week's Sunday Send Off https://www.smore.com/vu3ne
Have a terrific week!!!
TAS Bond Proposal on November 2, 2021 ballot. Information in this brochure and see www.taschools.org/page/bond
Team building challenge with Mrs. Clark’s homeroom class. Students were given 15 minutes to create the tallest tower, with a twist! In small groups, students were instructed to get to know each other by finding common traits, likes, dislikes, etc. and to write similarities on index cards, to use for building a tower. Children that have been together since Kindergarten learned how much they have in common! Favorite music, food, color, and so much more! #classfamily!
Team building challenge with Mrs. Clark’s homeroom class. Students were given 15 minutes to create the tallest tower, with a twist! In small groups, students were instructed to get to know each other by finding common traits, likes, dislikes, etc. and to write similarities on index cards, to use for building a tower. Children that have been together since Kindergarten learned how much they have in common! Favorite music, food, color, and so much more! #classfamily!
Team building challenge with Mrs. Evans homeroom class. Students were given 15 minutes to create the tallest tower, with a twist! In small groups, students were instructed to get to know each other by finding common traits, likes, dislikes, etc. and to write similarities on index cards, to use for building a tower. Children that have been together since Kindergarten learned how much they have in common! Favorite music, food, color, and so much more! #classfamily!
Team building challenge with Mrs. Evans homeroom class. Students were given 15 minutes to create the tallest tower, with a twist! In small groups, students were instructed to get to know each other by finding common traits, likes, dislikes, etc. and to write similarities on index cards, to use for building a tower. Children that have been together since Kindergarten learned how much they have in common! Favorite music, food, color, and so much more! #classfamily!
PLEASE: To assure the safety of our students, no bus changes or drop-off/pick up changes after 2:00 each school day. End of the day plans must be finalized before 2:00 p.m. each day. Thanks for your attention to this matter!
Tahquamenon Area Schools bond proposal for Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Please see www.taschools.org for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When is the vote?
Tuesday, November 2, 2021, 7:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m. Absentee Ballots are available beginning September 18, 2021. Please see your local clerk for details.
Where will voting take place?
Columbus Twp Hall 7459 N County Road 415, McMillan, MI
Lakefield Twp Hall 26344 County Road 98, McMillan, MI
McMillan Twp Hall 405 Newberry Ave., Newberry, MI
Pentland Twp Hall 15474 M-28, Newberry, MI
Curtis Community Center/Portage Twp W17353 Davis St., Curtis, MI
Seney Twp Hall 1576W Railroad St., Seney, MI Hulbert
Twp Hall 37685 W 4th St., Hulbert, MI
Who can vote?
Every registered voter who lives in the Tahquamenon Area School District, whether a property owner or not, is eligible to vote.
What is the cost of bond?
$9,750,000 (9 million, 750 thousand dollars)
How many years is the bond for?
21 years and three months but the State requires the election language to be round up. Therefore, on the election question, the length will be stated as 22 years.
How many mills is the bond?
1.90 mils (The district currently has no debt as the previous bond has been paid off. The current levy is zero.)
What is a mill?
The millage rate represents the amount per every $1,000 of a property's taxable value.
One mill is equal to one one-thousandth of a dollar—or $1 for every $1,000. (1.90 mills = 1.90 for every $1,000 of assessed value). The taxable value is can be no greater than the State Equalized Value (SEV). The taxable value (TV) and
the SEV is the same at the time of the property purchase. Since the TV is capped by law at the rate of inflation, typically the TV is lower than the SEV. The longer you have owned the property, the lower the
TV is normally as compared to the SEV. We all pay taxes based upon the TV which is normally a lower rate.
For example, if you have a market value property of $100,000, the SEV would be $50,000. Assuming the
TV is the same as the SEV ($50,000), 1.90 mills x 50 = $95 per year or $7.92 per month.
Another way to calculate is 0.0019 x $50,000 = $95 per year.
We currently have zero debt as the previous bond is paid off.
Why does the roof need to be done?
The roof is 24 years old and was warrantied for 20 years. The roof has been patched but this is a temporary fix. We absolutely need our roof replaced. We know that once your house roof starts leaking after it has exceeded the life of the roof, everything in your house is at risk.
Why is high school being moth balled?
We heard the community and are moth balling the high school instead of demolishing the building. This leaves the option open for the community going forward. The high school has several empty classrooms. The space is much more than we need. The building is over 90 years old. The reduced square footage and more energy efficient space is estimated to save the district $50,000/year. We will apply these building savings to our students’ education.
When was the last major upgrades done to classrooms?
Last upgrades (sinks, floors, desks, etc.) done to classrooms was about 30 years ago.
How is this different then last bond proposal?
This proposal is $850,000 thousand dollars less. District will be utilizing federal dollars due to COVID to cover other facility updates to save our local taxpayer dollars.
What will be done with security?
The camera system and software are outdated leading to difficulty when parts are needed. More secure entry into the building from the front. Currently, once buzzed in people have access to the entire
building. The proposed entry would have visitors come into office area before being let into the building. Bathrooms put in library will eliminate library patrons from having to enter the building during the day.
What about old middle school?
This space has held up to 300 students in the past. The space is big enough to have grades 7-12. All classrooms except science, band, CTE and gym will be in the old middle school. CTE and band rooms relocated.
What is being proposed in the library?
The library will get a new roof and installation to assist with heating and cooling. These upgrades are for energy efficiency which will save money in heating costs.
Also, the library will have its own separate entrance and bathrooms so the public will not have to leave the library to use the restroom.
Is there a plan for maintenance moving forward?
The facility committee of the board will be requiring over the next several months plans for maintenance upkeep on all major items in the building. (Boiler system, water heater, etc.) The district does have a maintenance person who works daily. The custodian/maintenance supervisor has knowledge of the boiler systems.
When would construction start?
Roof would be done the summer of 2022. All other projects would be done the summer of 2023.
When would the first payment be made?
Payment of this bond would be with the summer taxes of 2022.
What happens if the bond doesn’t pass?
This is the lowest the district can go in cost and in the minimal amount of upgrades. Anything less than this bond proposal will not address the immediate needs of the district.
When will the work be completed by?
Work will be completed on this project fall of 2023.
What process did the district use to re-develop this bond request?
The district listened to the community about saving the high school. The high school now will be moth balled. The district also heard the concerns the community had about buses and educational technology.
These items have been removed and are being addressed by the federal funds the district is receiving due to COVID. The district heard that the cost was too high. The district has lowered the proposal cost as much as possible by using the federal funds to assist with project needs.
What kind of energy and cost saving improvements are planned?
LED lighting will be put in hallways, remodeled middle school and central office. The reduction of space by moth balling the high school will be a significant savings in heating, lighting and custodial costs.
Will bond dollars be used for staff salaries or other district expenses?
Bond dollars can not be used for salaries or general operational expenses.
Who may I contact for more information?
Please contact Stacy Price, Superintendent, at 293-3201 or sprice@taschools.org
What is the best place to find information about the bond?
Information can be found on the school web page at www.taschools.org.
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off https://www.smore.com/jybws
ATTENTION ALL BUS STUDENTS: Beginning Monday, September 13, all morning bus pick ups will take place approximately 10 minutes later than times previously designated. (i.e. 6:45 a.m. pick up will now be at approx. 6:55 a.m.) This will be for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.
Parents that had their child's picture taken on August 19th should have received an email regarding ordering. Here is a reminder that Free Shipping to the School for online fall picture webshop orders ends soon- Monday, September 13.
Next picture day will Wednesda, Sept. 22, 2021.
What a wonderful start to the 2021-2022 school year! It was great to see our students and we are excited for a year of learning and growth.
Thank you for your patience as we adjust to the arrival and dismissal procedures. Please remember that you are welcome to join your child in the cafeteria each morning, but when students line up to head to their classrooms that is where you will give them a hug and say goodbye until after school.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Grades 4,5 and 6
Practice for 4/5/6 flag football will begin Monday September 13th at 6pm at the football field. Players who did not register this summer may sign up at that time. Participants must have a copy of their birth certificate amd bring a copy of a physical form.
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off https://www.smore.com/yhw1j
Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE AT TAS
Students and Parents come meet your child's teacher and see their classroom.
FOOD, GAMES and FUN start at 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
7-8th grade parents and students - meeting at 5:45 p.m. in the cafeteria
9-12 grade parents and students - meeting at 5:45 p.m. in auditorium