Congratulations to Employee of the Year for Support Staff - Mark Hayes and Employee of the Year for Teachers - Lynn Evans. They were honored last night at the EUPISD Employee of the Year banquet. Thank you for all that you do for students at TAS!
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
EUPISD Employee of the Year Banquet picture
Paperwork for summer School for grades 7-11 will be coming out over the next two weeks. Paperwork for grades K-6 is due this Friday, May 12. We apologize for any confusion.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Matthew Rahilly with his People’s Choice award and watercolor painting. Mr. Parr entered his student's artwork in the Erickson Center Student art exhibit. Congratulations Matthew.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Matthew Rahilly with is artwork.
Senior Spotlight - Hayden McNamara Hayden is planning to go into welding or automotive mechanics after he graduates. He is going to miss being around his friends and playing football - which is his favorite high school memory. Hayden's favorite high school class was Spanish I with Mr. Whitehouse, and he's proud that he was able to be a part of one of the best football teams in NHS history. Hayden's advice to incoming freshmen is: "Care about your grades as soon as you get to high school."
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Hayden McNamara
I could not love these kids anymore! It's hard to believe that I only have a few short weeks left with them. Today we had smoothies from Project Healthy Schools, followed by root beer floats to celebrate meeting our testing goal, and a fun photo op with the BEST t-shirt ever!! (I ❤️ my new nickname)
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
smoothie fun
smoothie fun
kids and teacher
smoothie fun
Smoothie fun
Root beer floats
Smoothie fun
Smoothie fun
Summer school letters will be coming home on Wednesday, May 10. Spots are limited and will fill quickly. Signed letters are due back THIS Friday, May 12. Please be sure to get them in!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Yearbooks are coming home TODAY, Wednesday, May 10! If you ordered one, check your child's backpack because they're coming home!! Shout out to our yearbook committee for an AMAZING job! If you didn't order one, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!! Order before May 17 your yearbook will be shipped to the school. Order AFTER May 17, your yearbook will be shipped to your home. Check out the link:
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
A huge Thank You to these amazing community businesses/groups that donated to our prizes to help us make our incredible staff feel appreciated! Rahilly's IGA Mac's Market SuperValu Pizza Hut Jamadots Total-One-Stop Newberry Subway Great Lakes Truck Service First National Bank of St. Ignace Tahquamenon Area Credit Union Helen Newberry Joy Hospital Luce County Historical Society Crisp Point Light Historical Society Newberry Motors Northern Star Chiropractic Oswalds Bear Ranch Seventh Day Adventist Church in McMillan Walther Farms Chuck Renze Ford Newberry Renze PowerSports of Newberry Zellars Village Inn M-28 Grill and Tavern McLean Sales
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Teacher Appreciation Week
Senior Spotlight - Jorhdy Bonilla-Rodriguez After graduation, Jorhdy is planning to attend college. His favorite high school class was gym and he is going to miss field trips and activities. Jorhdy couldn't live without his console, and his favorite high school memory is meeting his friends again. His advice to incoming freshmen is: "Stay positive and focused."
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Jorhdy Bonilla
Work hard, play hard. Kindergarten ❤️
almost 2 years ago, Quin Curley
“I” day 🍦
Congratulations to the boys track team.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
plaque boys 2023 champions
Summer school letters will be coming home on Wednesday, May 10. Spots are limited and will fill quickly. Signed letters are due back by Friday, May 12. Please be sure to get them in!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Senior Spotlight: Tim Harrison After graduation, Tim is planning to go to college and become a tester for video games. He is proud to be graduating and his favorite high school memory is coming back to school after being online. Tim's favorite high school class was strength training, and his advice to incoming freshmen is to study hard for the tests.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Timothy Harrison
This week for Teacher Appreciation we are playing SURVIVOR! We have got some amazing staff completing their challenges, including the spectacular Mrs. Puckett completing the "Hungry Hungry Hippo" challenge. Let's hear it for our incredible teachers and all the things they do!
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Mrs. Puckett
Mrs. Puckett
Mrs. Puckett
Mrs. Curley has selected Oliver Clark as student of the week. Oliver is super enthusiastic with all things he does. He participates, always tries his best, and is such a great helper in the classroom. He has definitely won the title of "super reader" this year, as he has put the work in when learning to read. Oliver is a great friend and always makes sure to help his friends when needed. I will miss his love for learning and goofy antics in the classroom. Great job buddy.
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Yearbooks are in and will be sent home tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10! Shout out to our yearbook committee for an AMAZING job! If you would like to order one, you still can. If you order before May 17 your yearbook will be shipped to the school. If you order AFTER May 17, your yearbook will be shipped to your home. IT'S NOT TOO LATE!! Check out the link:
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
yearbook 2023
Senior Spotlight: Ethan Salter Ethan is planning to attend LCC after he graduates, to participate in their welding program. He is going to miss football, and his proudest high school accomplishment is being accepted into college. Ethan's favorite high school memory is the band trip, and his advice to incoming freshmen is don't slack off in your classes so you don't have to stress senior year.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Ethan Salter
Congratulations, Olivia! Congratulations for finishing the 40 Book Challenge! 🎉
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
student standing by marquee
Senior Spotlight: Calder Christiansen Calder is planning to attend Lansing Community College, after he graduates, in pursuit of a degree in business. He is proud of surviving his sophomore year and he's going to miss a few good teachers. Calder's favorite high school memory was decorating for haunted high school, and his favorite class was Spanish 2 with Mr. Whitehouse. Calder's favorite quote comes from Mrs. Kidd: "I love blue cheese so much."
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Calder Christiansen
Newberry Week of Sports Monday 5/8 MS Track meet HOME Field events start at 3:30pm BB/SB HOME vs. Brimley 4:15 Tuesday 5/9 Track @ Engadine 4pm MS Golf @ Pickford 4pm Wednesday 5/10 Varsity Golf @ Drummond Island 10am SB @ Westwood 4:00 Thursday 5/11 SB/BB @ St. Ignace 4:15 MS Track @ JKL 5pm Friday 5/12 Varsity Track @ Munising Under the Lights 6pm Saturday 5/13 MS Track @ Pickford - field at 10:30 and running at 11:00.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools