Awe man! Mrs. Curley's class didn't bag a leprechaun this year ☘️ Sneaky little Lucky fooled us again!
almost 2 years ago, Quin Curley
Newberry is visiting the Education Fair at Saginaw Valley State University today!
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Career Fair Display
Bikes in the office???? It is reading month. Bike drawing for those that fill out the reading month calendars.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
pic of four bikes for reading month
Mrs. Gagnon has some students in the Soo today for Pi Day. Here they are working.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Students at Pi Day
Student working at Pi Day
Students working at Pi Day
Students at Pi Day
Second graders have been busy meeting their reading goals (and then enjoying the celebrations) and getting some math in too! 📚
almost 2 years ago, Alesha Havens
guest reader
This week's Student of the Week is first grader, Abbie Snyder. Abbie was selected by Lisa Lewicki due to her positive attitude and willingness to try new ways to do things. Abbie always has a smile on her face and can turn a hard task into something fun. She follows school rules and is consistently respectful to staff and her peers. Ms. Lewicki is very proud of Abbie's hard work and progress in class. Congratulations Abbie!
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
The third & final Reading Circus door decorating for Reading Month.
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
MORE Reading Circus door decorating for Reading Month.
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Reading Circus door decorating for Reading Month.
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Tahquamenon Area Schools is at the MSU Teacher and Administrator Career Fair
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
image of table at career fair
Who said learning can't be fun?
almost 2 years ago, Quin Curley
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Sunday Send off text
Remember .....Daylight Savings Time begins. Move your clocks ahead 1 hour tonight!
almost 2 years ago, Jane Freeborn NES kiddos will ❤️ to sign each others yearbooks! Make sure your kiddo has one.💛 Order by April 9!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
yearbook flyer
yearbook flyer
7-12 Student of the Week for March 6 Congratulations, Matthew Rahilly, for being this week’s Newberry High School Student of the Week. Matthew is in the tenth grade and is the son of Ben and Beth Rahilly. Mrs. Rathje explains why she selected him: “Matthew is a wonderful student. He follows directions, works above and beyond expectations, and always approaches every assignment with a cheerful, positive attitude.  He strives to encourage and lift up other teammates and classmates, too.”   Matthew enjoys hunting, fishing, playing any sport, and giving 120% to everything he does.  We can’t wait to see where all of his hard work takes him, but we sure hope he turns around to make Newberry his forever home. Matthew, thank you for all you do to make Newberry High School a better place.  Keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Student of the week image Memories that will last a lifetime! Purchase your NES yearbook now and create 2 free custom pages in your book. Deadline is April 9. 📸
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
elementary yearbook If you need help creating your 2 FREE custom pages in your NES yearbook, sign up for help at the link provided. Please purchase your NES yearbook by April 9.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Evans
Elementary Yearbook Flyer
Mrs. Browning is very proud of the kindergartners achievements during work stations. They met the criteria, earning them six touchdowns (extra recess) and 3 marbles for the marble jar. When the jar is full (they are more than half way) a classroom celebration will occur. 👏
almost 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
TAS has been gifted with an abundance of Lysol Disinfecting Wipes thru the Frontline Impact Project. If you or your organization/business could use some Lysol wipes, please contact Jane 906-293-3226 ext. 1101 or
almost 2 years ago, Jane Freeborn
Tahquamenon Area Pulblic Libary is having a book sale. Pleae see flyer.
almost 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Book Fair image