Senior Spotlight - Nathan Seitz
Nathan's plans for after high school is taking the next big step in his life. Nathan is going to miss snow days, and his favorite classes were his dual enrollment classes. He couldn't live without ice water, and his advice to incoming freshmen is "pay attention in class, understanding the information is everything."
Reminder....... Parents of students who are interested in Dual Enrollment courses for the 2022/23 school year must attend a mandatory virtual meeting TONIGHT at 5:30 p.m. If your student has previously participated in Dual Enrollment courses, it is not necessary to attend.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 965 4614 7972
OR Call
Senior Spotlight - Connor Rintamaki
After graduating, Connor is planning to attend college for at least 2 years before finding a good job. He couldn't live without football, and he's going to miss seeing his friends every day. Connor's favorite class was chemistry and his advice to incoming freshmen is "Make the good memories last before it's over." His favorite quote is from Chad Johnson: "There's only 3 things guaranteed in life: death, taxes, and 85 will always be open."
Senior Spotlight - Priya Rao
Priya's plans for after high school include attending the University of Michigan, and eventually going to a business school. One of her favorite high school memories is the PowderPuff football game her senior year, and her favorite class was international relations. Priya is going to miss playing sports with her friends, and her favorite saying is "Life is tough. Get a helmet."
Camp STAR information: If your child is between ages 8-17, has had a loved one die, and they need some help through the grieving process, they could go to Camp STAR at Bay Cliff Health Camp this August. If you would like more information and/or an application, please contact Mrs. Derusha at school.
On Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Tahquamenon Area Schools in cooperation with the Luce County Sheriff's Office and Emergency Management will be conducting a relocation drill.
Relocation drills are in the event that staff and students need to be removed from campus. This relocation drill will have students and staff K-12 practice leaving the school building and moving to locations off school campus. The students will be moving to the Methodist and Catholic churches. Law enforcement assisting with the drill will have streets blocked off to assist in moving students.
The goal of this drill is to practice moving students and staff from school to relocation areas safely and efficiently and to test radio communication with all entities. This drill is estimated to take about an hour.
Senior Spotlight - Travis O'Neil
After graduation, Travis plans to move to Sault Ste. Marie to begin a career as a mechanic. Travis is going to miss his friends, and his favorite class was with Mr. Parr. He's proud of working hard to get to his senior year, and his advice to incoming freshmen is "Don't get behind because you will regret it."
On Friday, May 13th, third graders traveled to Rivermouth Campground in Paradise to celebrate Release Day! The students successfully released 70 Chinook Salmon into the Tahquamenon River. It was a truly happy day for all who were there to witness! We played Life Cycle games and were fed a grilled hot dog lunch by Mr. McFadden. A perfect day!
REMINDER..... Friday, May 20 is "Bring a Guest to Lunch Day." Join your child for an indoor picnic lunch! Adult meals are $4.50. Lunch tickets must be purchased no later than Wednesday, May 18 in Central Office. See Jane.
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off
Senior Spotlight - John Nutkins
After high school, Johnny is planning to continue as a part of the National Guard, as well as pursuing a certification in HVACR. His favorite high school memory is beating Pickford in the first round of football playoffs, and his favorite class was shop with Mr. Parr. The high school accomplishments he's most proud of is being part of National Honor Society and being Great Lakes East Defensive Player of the Year. Johnny's favorite saying is "60% of the time, it works every time."
Part 3- sixth grade campers were able to work on team building skills in an activity called “Blind Square”.
Part 2- Thank you to the AMAZING lunch ladies for packing a wonderful lunch for 6th grade camp! We enjoyed an amazing picnic lunch! 😀
Part 1- Sixth Grade camp was a HUGE success! Thank you to our high school students for volunteering! ♥️
Senior Spotlight - Carmen Nalette
Carmen's plans for after high school include joining the National Guard, and attending college for a degree in cosmetology. She's going to miss being with her friends and having something to do every day, and her favorite class was art with Mr. Parr. Carmen couldn't live without her airpods/music, and her advice to incoming freshmen is "enjoy it while it lasts because it will be over before you know it."
The Reading Buddies after-school mentoring club met for 14 weeks. During that time the buddies and mentors grew as readers and made new friends. The final meeting was a celebration and enjoyed by all.
The Reading Buddies after-school mentoring club met for 14 weeks. During that time the buddies and mentors grew as readers and made new friends. The final meeting was a celebration and enjoyed by all.
Dick Hakala's Lion bus is running 15-20 minutes late this this afternoon due to minor bus issues.
EUPISD Support and Professional Employees of the Year for 2022. Congratulations to all in the region.
Senior Spotlight - Olivia Musselman
After graduation, Olivia is planning to attend Lake Superior State University to earn a bachelor's degree for early education, focusing on special needs children. Olivia is going to miss the people/teachers of high school and the memories she's made. Her favorite class was history with Mr. Griffis. Olivia couldn't live without her mother, and her favorite saying is "All we have is now."