A huge thank you to Howard Bliss for making our Salmon in the Classroom sign. What beautiful work! Our eggs for this year will be picked up soon. We cannot wait to begin the journey again!
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Reminder: Tomorrow, October 28, is the end of the first quarter and is a half day. Dismissal time is 11:18am.
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Halloween Parade information: The parade will be Monday, October 31, and will begin at 1:45pm at the FRONT of the school. Parents should park on M123 or in the back of the school as the parade will end on the playground. Parents are welcome to walk in the parade with their children. They can join their child when the classes line up out front. Parade Route: - Depart from the FRONT of the school - Head North on M123 - Turn LEFT on W. Truman - Cut through HNJH parking lot on the East side to walk past Golden Leaves cafeteria windows so the residents can watch the parade. - Head East on Harrie Street - Turn RIGHT on Robinson Street heading South - Cross McMillan Ave and enter the playground through the Northwest gate. Parade will end on the playground and parents can meet their children there. Classes will line up according to homeroom along the north fence. There will be a designated area for parents in the southwest corner of the playground on the pavement. In an effort to release students safely and in an organized fashion, administration will release parents individually from their designated area to sign their child out with their homeroom teacher.
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Reminder that tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 28, 2022 is a half day. Dismissal will be at 11:18 a.m. A sack lunch will be provided.
about 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
5th grade parents: Recorders are due back tomorrow. If returned in good shape your $5.00 deposit will be returned to you at P/T conferences. If you cannot make conferences, please reach out and let Mrs. Michael know how you would like to get your deposit back. If the recorder or protective sleeve are damaged, the cost will be deducted from your deposit.
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
More Manufacturing Day 2022 at LSSU in the Soo. Thank you again Northern Wings for sponsoring a coach bus. It was a wonderful treat.
about 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Students looking on at robots
One student tries equipment
Robot shows what it can do
Group activities
Manufacturing Day 2022 at LSSU for 9th graders Thank you Northern Wings for providing a coach bus for TAS students to attend.
about 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
students at Manufacturing day
students at Manufacturing day
students at Manufacturing Day
Week of 10/25/22: Mrs. Welty has chosen Malorie Scott as this week's student of the week. Malorie is in 3rd grade. She was chosen by Mrs. Welty for her excellent work ethic in gym class. She does a great job listening to the directions of each game, and gives 100% effort in it. She is always ready to play her heart out. She is the Granddaughter of Micheal Soeltner. In her free time she likes to jump on the trampoline, and play with her younger brother Brady. In school her favorite subject is science. Great job Malorie!
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
From the week of 10/17/22 Norah Price has been chosen as the Newberry Elementary student of the week. She is in Mrs. Sparks’ and Ms. Parker’s fourth grade classes. Nora is a kind, happy, and caring student who is always prepared for class. She is willing to give an extra hand to anyone who needs help. If she sees something that needs to be done in class, she jumps right in and helps out. She is always thinking of other people. She works hard in all her subjects and is self-motivated to do her very best. We are lucky to have Norah as part of our fourth grade class. Congratulations Norah for being a model student at Newberry Elementary!
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
From the week of 10/10/22 Laynee Foster has been chosen as the first grade student of the week. She is in Mrs. Vincent’s class. When she grows up she wants to be a teacher. Her favorite subject is reading. Laynee is a motivated student who is prepared for school. She is a great listener and her work is top-notch. Laynee is always willing to learn something new and is a good friend to her peers. She is a kind young lady. So Proud Of YOU, Laynee!
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
From the week of 10/3/22 Tahquamenon Area Schools would like to honor our Student of the Week, Judah Babin! Judah is a third grade student in Mrs. Puckett’s and Mrs. McFadden’s classrooms. He is new to our school this year and has already made quite an impression. Judah is a quiet leader, exemplifying the traits that will bring him much success. He is kind, caring, and helpful to his classmates and teachers. Modeling the best in behaviors and following instruction are daily practices for him. Judah’s favorite subject in school is Science. When he’s at home, he enjoys riding his bike and would like to learn how to fish some day. Mrs. Puckett and Mrs. McFadden, along with his fellow classmates, are so happy to have him be a part of our learning community. Congratulations, Judah! A title fitting for a leader such as you!
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Halloween Parade information: The parade will be Monday, October 31, and will begin at 1:45pm at the FRONT of the school. Parents should park on M123 or in the back of the school as the parade will end on the playground. Parents are welcome to walk in the parade with their children. They can join their child when the classes line up out front. Parade Route: - Depart from the FRONT of the school - Head North on M123 - Turn LEFT on W. Truman - Cut through HNJH parking lot on the East side to walk past Golden Leaves cafeteria windows so the residents can watch the parade. - Head East on Harrie Street - Turn RIGHT on Robinson Street heading South - Cross McMillan Ave and enter the playground through the Northwest gate. Parade will end on the playground and parents can meet their children there. Classes will line up according to homeroom along the north fence. There will be a designated area for parents in the southwest corner of the playground on the pavement. In an effort to release students safely and in an organized fashion, administration will release parents individually from their designated area to sign their child out with their homeroom teacher.
about 2 years ago, Ms. Kendra Feldhusen
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off https://www.smore.com/m1cnu
about 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Sunday Send Off image
Congratulations to Samantha and Kaylen!!!
about 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
D3 first and second place
Mrs. Curley’s kiddos with some hand’s on ELA centers !
about 2 years ago, Quin Curley
“Room on the broom” Story sequencing activity in Mrs. Curley’s room.
about 2 years ago, Quin Curley
Please click here for this week's Sunday Send Off https://www.smore.com/tq3na
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
Sunday Send Off image
October is School Bus Safety Month Here is a simple video to help us all remember. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YQiPzHDbfA
over 2 years ago, Tahquamenon Area Schools
6th grade math part 2
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wallace
students doing math
6th grade Evans
6th grade Evans HR
student doing math
6th graders have been working since September on the best ways to work in groups and on math problems that stretch their brains. part 1
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wallace
6th grade Wallace HR
6th grade Wallace HR
6th grade Wallace HR
6th grade Wallace HR